Would You Like to Become a Money Magnet?
This short and powerful meditation is something I did during one of my mastermind calls, when members were talking about the struggle they sometimes experience around bringing in clients and income in their businesses.
So, as I often do, I flipped into visualization mode to create something to help that energy shift.
Just from creating the audio, which I did impromptu on the live call, I got 3 unexpected business opportunities flowing to me. My mastermind members are reporting other amazing results. If you could use more income and more clients, then listen to it a few times and see what shifts for you.
It’s only a few minutes long, but give it a try and let me know how you do with it. Let’s shift this money stuff, ok?
Here is the meditation. Please NEVER listen to it while driving! Please do use stereo headphones if possible. You can sit or lie down while listening. Visualization happens differently for each person, so release any attachment to ‘seeing’ it any particular way – your mind knows what to do, so just trust it and relax. If you fall asleep, it’s still working. Listening to it more than once will help to anchor it. Please share your experiences!
If you’re interested in learning more about my invitation-only, spiritually aligned business mastermind, go here: http://www.createyourdreampractice.com/mastermindpre